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Flags of Change

Paul Smith’s Foundation Workshop

Following a successful application to become a part of the Pauls Smith's Foundation, I was invited to attend a 2 day workshop that was filled with creative workshops and talks. One of these workshops was to design and create a flag that represented a message we would like reinforced in society. 

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Design and make a flag using Paul Smith material for ‘Flags for Change’ workshop; have the individual elements cut and assembled ready for a seamstress to sew within 2 hours. 



‘Open Eyes Empathise’ A bold and colourful flag design that highlights the importance of understanding others and seeing things from their point of view. Using an eye as the main symbol to play on the slogan for the flag, I wanted to use the negative space to block and separate the phrase. Using the materials that I could source at the time, I focussed on using block colours to help create a well rounded, legible and colourful final outcome. 


Months later the team at Anyways Creative contacted me to create content to be used on the main Instagram account. We had to place our flag in a setting that best represented the meaning behind the flag. 



A successful final flag design that was well received by the whole team. The flag was then shared over Paul Smith's Foundation main Instagram page. The content created further down the line incorporated motion design to bring the flag to life. The setting chosen was a collaged background of portraits which tied in really well with the theme of the flag; reinforcing the meaning of looking through the eyes of others. The post was successful and later then posted on Paul Smith's main Design account.

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